China Simsiz 5.1 CH atrof-muhit ovozli uy teatri tovush paneli tizimi ishlab chiqaruvchisi va etkazib beruvchisi | Tinglovchi Pro

Simsiz 5.1 CH atrof-muhit ovozli uy teatri tovush paneli

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LP-WS100A TV sound system is the newest generation of wireless 5.1 soundbar system in Listener Pro, includes a 35 inch soundbar, a wireless subwoofer, and 2 wireless rear speakers. The included subwoofer adds booming bass and the two Bluetooth rear surround sound speakers upgrades home theater experience with true surround sound, provide a complete 5.1 channel true wireless HiFi sound system for home theater/home movie system.

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5.1 haqiqiy uy simsiz uy teatri tizimini yaratish uchun, subwoofer va ikkita orqa atrofdagi ovoz karnaylari tovush paneliga simsiz ulanadi, siz simlarni qiynalmasdan moslashuvchan joylashtirish qulayligi bilan boy va hayajonli tovushlardan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin.

155W kuchli tovush paneli, 4 tweeter va 4 o'rta chastotali dinamiklar tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan.

70 Vtli subwoofer sizning televizoringizning shoulariga kuchli zarba va shov-shuv qo'shadi, uni qaerga qo'yishingizdan qat'iy nazar sozlashingiz mumkin va bass mustaqil ravishda sozlanishi

Built-in 2 full-range drivers and 2 tweeters, rear speakers will add more details to your wireless home theater sound speaker system, they can be placed behind us in the room freedom and they will automatically sync to the soundbar, completely surrounds you and brings the virtual 3D stereo sound, turn your tv into an immersive home theater experience.

Kombinatsiya televizor uchun ajoyib ovoz tizimini yaratadi.


With Optical/Coaxial/AUX/USB/HDMI ARC inputs, you can easily connect the audio to the TV/PC/projector and other devices. Eliminates the clutter of multiple cables and improves the sound experience, making the sound in the TV or other devices clearly.

Bluetooth 5.0 technology provides faster and stable transmission than most Bluetooth soundbars, lets you stream CD-quality music wirelessly from your mobile devices. Lose the wires and listen to your music with a tap of a finger from anywhere in the room.

The soundbar can be controlled by the touch screen, with its LED display you can quickly and easily adjust volume/connection/mode at the touch of a button on the screen. Unique silver metal shell and wood surface not only deliver better sound but also blends seamlessly into your modern-style home decoration, the soundbar is low profile and fits all sizes of tv.

LP-WS100A includes a high-sensitivity IR remote control, the soundbar for TV with subwoofer, rear speakers can be operated with this fully functional, intuitive remote control, buttons control can do almost all settings.

Soundbars televizor karnaylaridan yaxshi yangilanish bo'lishi mumkin, ayniqsa siz televizion ko'rsatuvlar va filmlardagi ovozlarni tushunishda qiynalsangiz. Shuningdek, siz ushbu tarkibni simsiz uzatmoqchi bo'lganingizda podkastlarni yoki audiokitoblarni tinglashda tinglash tajribangizni oshirishning ajoyib usuli. Bu dialogni yanada aniqroq va tushunishni osonlashtiradi.

Ushbu televizor karnayini sozlash uy kino teatrlari yoki uy kinoteatrlari uchun ovozlarni aniq va aniq qilish uchun juda yaxshi ish, u yaxshi muvozanatli, ko'p qirrali ovoz profiliga ega va sabvufer sizga harakat paytida bir oz qo'shimcha tovush berishga yordam beradi. sevimli tomoshalaringizning to'lib toshgan sahnalari.

Different wireless home theater systems solution will be provided for a different customer, welcome to contact us for more information.

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