Xitoy professional simsiz audio uzatuvchi va qabul qiluvchi ishlab chiqaruvchi va etkazib beruvchi | Tinglovchi Pro

Professional simsiz audio uzatuvchi va qabul qilgich

Qisqa Tasvir:

Tinglovchilarning quloqlari monitor tizimi (IEM) 2019 yilda Listener Pro tomonidan ishga tushirildi. Bozor kontsertlar va musiqiy yozuvlarga talabning ortib borishi, jonli musiqiy shoular va tadbirlarning ko'payishi bilan faol ravishda qo'llab-quvvatlandi. Ko'proq kontsertlar va musiqa festivallari an'anaviy simli qurilmalar o'rniga quloq monitorlari uchun yangi texnologiyalarni qo'llamoqda.
Eshitish vositasidagi simsiz simsiz aloqa tizimi 2.4GHz texnologiyasiga asoslangan bo'lib, foydalanuvchi sahnaga chiqqanda tovushni ta'minlash uchun amaliy simsiz echim bo'lib, tovushni oshirish va harakat erkinligini oshiradi. Yuqori sifatli audio va barqaror uzatish uni professional studiyada va sahnada jonli ijroda sahna monitorini va audio monitorini mukammal qiladi!

  • Ishlash chastotasi: 2400 - 2483 MGts
  • Chastotaga javob: 20 - 20KHz
  • Ovoz kiritish: 3,5 mm Mik / Stereo audio
  • Kechikish: 10 ms
  • Namuna olish koeffitsienti: 64k @ 16bit
  • S / N nisbati: 80 dB
  • THD: 0.3% @ 1 kHz
  • Dinamik diapazoni: 90dB
  • Hajmi: 73.4 * 120.0 * 12.5mm
  • Mahsulot tafsiloti

    Mahsulot teglari



    The needs for wireless in-ear monitor system/ in-ear monitor set have been increased day by day because with the social-economic rapid developed and more and more people are paying attention to entertainment life. Music is an indispensable part of people’s daily life.



    1. Integrate transmitter and receiver all in one and switchable, as the first time in this filed

    2. Support Audio & Mic input at the same time

    3. Support local monitoring function when transmitting

    4. Support local mixing function when receiving

    5. Lock screen switch support anti-mistouch function

    6. Multi-level adjustment of Mic input gain, accurately matching various microphone gains

    7. Support multiple usage methods such as hand-held, waist hanging, sling hanging, hot-shoe installation, and tripod installation.



    1. Ultra-long transmission distance (indoor≥300m, outdoor≥1000m)

    2. Lossless stereo sound quality (64K sampling rate, lossless stereo sound transmission)

    3. 0.01s ultra-low latency (long-distance digital transmission, benchmark-level delay)

    4. Working time on transmitting mode is ≥8hs,  and working time on receiving mode ≥12hs



    1. Digital wireless in-ear stage monitor system

    2. Digital wireless interview recording system

    3. Digital wireless digital tour guide system

    4. Musical instrument performance wireless transceiver system

    5. Professional digital audio transceiver system


    Ijrochilar uchun yagona tizim

    In-ear monitors for singers: the wireless audio receiver can be operated with a single transmitter within the operating range.

    Ijrochilar bir xil uzatuvchidan ovozni kuzatishi, shunchaki har bir bypackni transmitter bilan bir xil chastotaga sozlashi mumkin.

    Each bodypack has an auxiliary mic input and monitor output. Performers can adjust the signal input and output in audio transmitters to get personalize mixing and monitoring.


    Ijrochilar uchun bir nechta tizim

    Multiple in-ear monitors are needed when several performers in different groups, transmitters should be on different frequencies to send different mixes. Performers tune each bodypack to the frequency for their group.

    Bir vaqtning o'zida o'zaro aralashuvsiz ishlaydigan eng ko'p 6 tizimni qo'llab-quvvatlash.

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